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Group info
Code: GI-1438
Short Name: TecnoEduc
Name: Educational Technology
Department: Departamento de Pedagoxía e Didáctica
Telf. 981-563100 ext.13749
Fax: 981534094
Research field
  • elearning: potential of ICTs for education
  • Design, development and evaluation of environment of flexible training and educational multimedia
  • Integraction and uses of ICT in educational institutions and other contexts of training
  • Training in digital competence and for the use of ICT in the professional field
  • Educational challenges in the social transformation of ICT: Inclusion, equity, gender, access, participation and socialization in diverse contexts
Technology services
  • Assesment on use of ICT in education and training
  • Design and development training courses on ICT in education an research
  • Design, development and implementation of Digital Literacy proposals (all types of social groups and institutions or professionals from different sectors).
  • Development flexible virtual environments of learning
  • Design of multimedia courses, multimedia contents
  • evaluation of educative software and interactive environments
  • Development systems for management ICT in classroom and school
  • development of accessible technological solutions
  • Design, assesment and evaluation of innovative practices ICT
Key words
  • Educational technology, e-learning, ICT in education, Virtual learning environments, teacher training on ICT competences, collaborative learning, educational multimedia, social Media in Education, technology enhanced learning, digital literacy, e-inclusion, innovation in education, adult learning, lifelong learning, online learning, health education
Name Position PIID ORCID Contact:
CEBREIRO LOPEZ, BEATRIZCoordinador586350000-0003-2064-915XTel./Ext.: 13749
Fax: 981534094
CASAL OTERO, LORENAMembro585830000-0002-0906-4321
FERNANDEZ MORANTE, MARIA DEL CARMENMembro589130000-0003-4398-3361
LERANOZ IGLESIAS, MARTIN MANUELMembro594040000-0001-8830-3783
LOPEZ DE LA CALLE SAMPEDRO, Mª ANGELESMembro594470000-0003-2182-5135
Loureiro Romero, CarlosIFP
IP Principal Investigator, IFP Training Research, PA Supporting Researchers and Technicians
External collaborators
Name Institution
Milagros Trigo Miranda  USC Ad Honoren
Mª José Rodríguez Malmierca  CESGA_ Directora Departamento de e-learning
Yolanda Neira Gómez  Directora do CRA Boqueixón- Vedra Neira Vilas
Jesús Arribi Vilela  CONSELLERIA DE EDUCACIÓN Profesor
María Cristina López Martínez  Grupo Trevenque
Raquel Vázquez Ramil  Universidad de Valladolid
João Batista Carvalho Nunes  Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE)
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