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Group info
Code: GI-1484
Short Name: GOIFOMO
Name: Research Group on Integrated Optics-Photonics, Optical Fibers and Optical Metrology
Department: Departamento de Física Aplicada
Contact: Telf.

Research field
  • Research on ion-exchanged glass and crystal techniques, and photolithographic techniques based on UV and Laser for the fabrication of bulk optical and photonic structures and microstructures and their application to integrated optics and photonics, optical communications (multiplexing) and optical astronomy (adaptative optics).
  • Research and development of integrated evanescent field optical sensors and biosensors, in glass and polymers, fabricated by ion-exchange inglass and compatible with optical fibers.
  • Integrated quantum optics and photonics: theoretical study, design and simulation of optical-quantum processing devices based on directional modal coupling for their application in the quantum information technology through optical fibers.
  • Development of techniques and devices for optical metrology by standard, holographic and electronic speckle (ESPI) Interferometry, for scientific, industrial, biomedical and environment applications.
  • Research on the psycophysical thresholds of human vision based on the spatial and temporal neural-ocular transfer functions.
Technology services
  • Interferometric characterization techniques of optical and mechanical properties of materials and objects.
  • Deposition technology of materials with nano and micrometric thicknesses.
  • Processing techniques of materials by ionic exchange. Laser irradiation and lithography (Laser and UV).
  • Optical characterization techniques of materials with nano and micrometric thickness.
  • Fabrication of micromasks for integrated optics (and photonics) and microelectronics.
Key words
  • Integrated optics; integrated quantum photonics; optical fibers; optical sensors; physics of vision; interferometry; ESPI; ion-exchange in glass; lithography; Laser processing of materials.
Name Position PIID ORCID Contact:
IP Principal Investigator, IFP Training Research, PA Supporting Researchers and Technicians
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