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Group info
Code: GI-1809
Short Name: BIOAPLIC
Name: Biodiversity and Applied Botany
Department: Departamento de Botánica

Research field
  • Line 1: AEROBIOLOGY AND PHENOLOGY Analysis of pollent types of main allergic indicence. Phenology of vine and olive varieties cultivated in Galicia.
  • Line 2: PLANT BIOLOGY Ecology of plants. Quantitative study of vegetation dynamics. Forest ecology. Bush. Composition, structure should and regeneration after the fire. Study of seed germination and viabilidade. Characterization of soil seed bank. Establecemento study and initial growth of forest plants. Phenology of trees. Histology and plant anatomy.
  • Line 3: FUNGAL BIODIVERSITY Fungal biodiversity. Mycology in indoor and outdoor. Mycology and plant pathology. Biological control of plant diseases
  • Line 4: DENDROECOLOGY AND XYLOGENESIS Analysis of growth rings. Climate-growth relationships and forest dynamics. Dendrochronological and historical dating dendrochronology. Wood anatomy. Quantitative Anatomy: Dendrochronological analysis of conductive elements. Dynamic cambial and wood formation
  • Line 5: Phycology, ecology and and biodiversity phycologist freshwater algae (phytobenthos and macrobenthos) and marine (macrobenthos). Taxonomy, plant and algal bioxeografía freshwater and marine benthos. Indicators of ecological status of water bodies. Algae as indicators of global change. Use sediment ponds to determine the history of changes in aquatic ecosystems.
  • Line 6: APPLICATIONS OF GEOMATICS IN BIODIVERSITY STUDIES • Characterization and monitoring of key biodiversity elements and features at different scales. • Vegetation and landscape mapping from remote sensing data. • Spatially explicit models of spatial-temporal dynamics of biodiversity. • Quantitative studies of the structure and function of populations, habitats and landscapes. • Studies of rural landscapes of high natural and cultural value.
  • Line 7: ECOLOGY OF FIRE. Dynamics of plant populations and communities after fire. Regenerative strategies of plants. Dynamics of invasive species in relation to fire. Bank of propagules. Germination and early development of seedlings. Response of forest vegetation to traditional uses. Effects of ionic liquids on the first phases of the life cycle of plants.
Technology services
  • Line 1 Morpho biometric studies of pollen and spores applied to taxonomy. Determination of the atmospheric concentration of pollen and fungal spores to prevent allergies. Pollen analysis of honey for its geographical and botanical characterization. History of past vegetation through the identification of fossil pollen in soils and archaeological sites. Environmental information service of biological air quality.
  • Line 2 Studies applied to forest biodiversity conservation. Analysis of germination and seed viability. Characterization of soil seed banks. Evaluation of the initial growth of forest species. Seguiment phenology.
  • Line 3 Environmental mycological studies. Analysis of soil fungal. Determination of fungal pathogens. Analysis of the anatomical diversity of plants. Biological degradation of archaeological sites and monuments.
  • Line 4 Dendrochronology dating. Identification of wood samples. Analysis of growth rings: assessment of tree growth and succession processes and forest dynamics. Development of software for use dendrochronological and image analysis applied to the anatomy.
  • Line 5 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of freshwater phytoplankton. Effect of pollution on vegetation ecology and benthic marine algae and freshwater. Monitoring of ecological status in rivers, based on algae and redevelopment in the field of Water Framework Directive in Europe and similar approaches. Diatom indices of the quality of inland waters. Use of phytoplankton at follow-up of the effects of eutrophication in reservoirs.
  • Line 6 Floristic studies. Assessing the conservation status of natural forests. Assessment of biodeterioration on stone construction. Use of lichens as indicators of air pollution.
  • Liña 7: Analysis of remote sensing datasets of high, medium and low resolution. Acquisition and analysis of RGB, 3D and multispectral imagery from sensors on board of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). Integration and analysis of spatial data in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Integration of environmental information in biodiversity planning.
Key words
  • palynology; aerobiology; melisopalinology; paleobotany; conservation; biodiversity; forest habitats; plant histology; plant anatomy; phenology; germination; mushrooms; mycology; plant pathology; phytopathology; fungal biodiversity; biological control; dendrochronology; dendroecology; quantitative anatomy of wood; growth rings; xylogenesis; phycology; biodiversity phycologist; limnology; marine environment, continental environment, biological index; taxonomy; flora, ecology; conservation; protected species; bioindicators; lichenology; conservation; biodeterioration; Remote sensing, Geomatics, Geographical information systems, Spatial-temporal vegetation and land cover pattern analysis, Habitats, Landscape, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).
Name Position PIID ORCID Contact:
GARCIA GONZALEZ, IGNACIOCoordinador590730000-0001-8460-2401E-Mail:
AIRA RODRIGUEZ, MARIA JESUSMembro581740000-0002-1464-9199
CORNIDE PAZ, TERESAMembro586830000-0003-4088-7825
CRUZ DE LA FUENTE, OSCARMembro0000-0002-7661-0724
DIAZ TAPIA, PILARMembro0000-0003-4680-4867
DIAZ VARELA, RAMON ALBERTOMembro587670000-0001-6094-2153
DIAZ VIZCAINO, ELVIRA ANTONIAMembro587700000-0002-0247-4424
LOPEZ RODRIGUEZ, Mª DEL CARMENMembro594880000-0001-5814-1066
PEREZ DE LIS CASTRO, GONZALOMembro599040000-0002-7913-2190
REYES FERREIRA, OTILIAMembro600770000-0002-2276-7734
VAZQUEZ RUIZ DE OCENDA, ROSA ANAMembro605810000-0002-1825-1129
VELOSO FREIRE, JAVIERMembro1929500000-0002-7283-769X
IP Principal Investigator, IFP Training Research, PA Supporting Researchers and Technicians
External collaborators
Name Institution
María Eugenia López de Silanes Vázquez  Universidade de Vigo
María Graciela Paz Bermúdez  Universidade de Vigo
Francisco Javier Rodriguez Rajo  Universidade de Vigo
María del Carmen Seijo Coello  Universidade de Vigo
Teresa Irene Rojas Flores  Universidad de La Habana
Michel Almaguer Chávez  Universidad de La Habana
JUAN GARCIA DURO  Universidad de Valladolid
Tomasz Wazny   Universidad de Torun (Polonia)
Cristina Nabais   Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
Antonia Dolores Asencio Martínez  Universidad de Elche
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