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Faculty expertise and interests - University of Santiago de Compostela – Galicia

Álvarez Rodríguez, Esperanza

Soil scientist (pedologist) New search by researcher

Researcher's picture
Department: Edaphic and Chemical Agronomy
Position: Titular Universidade - Total (A0504)(FC)(C08)
Phone: 982823117
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Email: Show Email
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Researcher IDs: ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3470-2679
Scopus Author ID: 7203082676
Research website ID: 58231


I am a doctor in Biological Sciences by the USC. Full Professor of University of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at the Superior Polytechnic School of Engineering of Lugo, USC. 5 recognized sexenios of research. Principal investigator of 9 projects funded by the central government (CICYT, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and 8 by the autonomous (Xunta de Galicia) related to soil fertility, with Al toxicity, with Contamination of the soil (heavy metals, fluorine, pesticides, antibiotics) with the recovery of degraded areas and with the recycling of waste (mussel shell, biomass burning ash, pine bark ...) at the agricultural and environmental level (to retain Contaminants). Also as principal investigator, I signed more than 65 contracts with the administration and with companies related to industrial activities that cause environmental impacts, waste management and fertilizers (Aluminio Español, Novotec Consultores, Applied Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, Abonomar, Calizas Marinas, Delagro And agricultural cooperatives ...) carrying out specific advisory activities in the agricultural, environmental and technological fields. In addition, I collaborated as a researcher in 27 public research projects (4 European) and in several contracts with companies. In relation to the lines of research funded by the different projects, I published 230 research papers, 120 in high-impact JCR international journals (Geoderma, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Cleaner Production, Applied Soil Ecology, Chemosphere, Others). I also published 60 books and book chapters and presented 155 papers to national and international congresses. In the last 5 years (2015-2020) I published 65 articles indexed in the JCR, most in Q1 journals-

Research Expertise and Interest:

Research Expertise and Interest
- Soil fertility
- Al toxicity problems in soils and plants
- Heavy metals pollution in soils and plants
- Contamination by antibiotics for veterinary use in slurry, soil and plants
- Recovery of degraded areas, mainly mine tailings
- Recycling of waste in agricultural soils, mainly mussel shell
- Utilization of residues (mussel shell, wood combustion ash, pine bark) as contaminant bioadsorbents

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