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Acordo do 8/03/2023 sobre a clasificación profesional e as condicións retributivas do persoal investigador e do persoal de apoio á investigación da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Acordo sobre a clasificación profesional e as condicións retributivas do persoal investigador e do persoal de apoio á investigación da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
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Faculty expertise and interests - University of Santiago de Compostela – Galicia

González Vázquez, Xesús Pablo

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Researcher's picture
Department: Enxeñaría Agroforestal
Position: Interino por vacante - T3 - Total (VX-WX)(LTD)(C08)(T3)
Personal URL:
Email: Show Email
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Researcher IDs: ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2627-175X
WOK Researcher ID: C-8185-2017
Scopus Author ID: 6601958423
Research website ID: 59252


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Research Expertise and Interest:

Research Expertise and Interest
- Agricultural and Forestry Engineering Projects. Multicriteria Analysis.
- Territorial Arrangement.
Land concolidation.
Land use Allocation of Farming and Forestry Land
- Rural Development and quality of live.
- Effects of the agrarian activity on environmental
- Budgettary of projects. Data Base development for engineering projetcs activity
- Applied remote sensing to agricultural and forestry field.
- Data intro in geographics information systems.
- Preventive measure and reduction of continental water polution
- Health and safety
- Computer Aided Design. Virtual Reality.

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