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Faculty expertise and interests - University of Santiago de Compostela – Galicia

Jesus L. Romalde

Microbiologist New search by researcher

Researcher's picture
Department: Microbiology and Parasitology
Position: Catedrático Universidade - Total (A0500)(FC)(C08)
Phone: 881816908
Personal URL:
Email: Show Email
Research group: Grupo de Investigación de Patoloxía na Acuicultura (GI-1213)
Researcher IDs: ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4786-4773
WOK Researcher ID: I-5400-2015
Scopus Author ID: 7006818994
Research website ID: 59492


My research interests are related to the study of the microbiota associated with the culture of bivalve molluscs, with emphasis on bacteria with pathogenic or probiotic potential, as well as to the role of bivalve molluscs as vectors in the transmission of enteric viruses such as hepatitis A and norovirus. The research team I lead has close collaborations with other groups, both domestic and foreign, as well as companies and government agencies.

Research Expertise and Interest:

Research Expertise and Interest
- Bacterial and viral pathology in Aquaculture: -Characterization of bacterial and viral pathogens for fish and shellfish. -Epidemiology and epizootiology. -Development of new diagnostic methodologies. -Molecular analisys of virulence mechanisms of fish pathogens. -New methods for prevention and control of pathogens.
- Aplication of the genomic and proteomic to the study of host-pathogen interaction.
- Bioacumulation and transmission of enteric viruses by moluscs.

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