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Group info
Code: GI-1720
Short Name: BioMODEM
Name: Modelling, Energy and Mechanization in Biosystems
Department: Departamento de Enxeñaría Agroforestal

Research field
  • Monitoring, modeling and controlling environmental, animal and productive variables in livestock farms.
  • Application of renewable energies, sustainability and energy efficiency in rural areas.
  • Precision agriculture. Smart Farming.
  • Precision livestock farming. Mechanization of livestock farms.
  • Tillage and harvesting systems for potato and fodder crops (silage corn and grasses).
  • Logistic management of machinery fleets. Modeling, simulation and route management.
  • Optimization of underground drainage networks for agricultural soils.
  • Timber quality, Technological aptitude (physic and chemistry) and certification process to improve the product traceability according to their relevance in first and second transformation timber industries.
  • Sustainable development of rural areas: planning, management and use of deciduous hardwood species in cooperage.
  • Processing, valuation and applications of by-products and residues of agro-food industries.
Technology services
  • Agricultural and forestry machinery testing
  • Commercial machinery modifications
  • Development of new machines
  • Impact detection in potato harvesting and post-harvesting machinery
  • Energy analysis of electrical installations
  • Agricultural and livestock processes automation
Key words
  • Mechanisation; Tillage systems; Conservation agriculture; post-harvest technology; Machinery fleet management; Livestock farms; Soil physical properties; Automation; Optimal control; Hothouse climate; Hothouse models; Eolic resources; Renewable energies
Name Position PIID ORCID Contact:
AMIAMA ARES, CARLOSCoordinador582400000-0003-1866-9135E-Mail:
BUENO LEMA, JAVIERMembro584550000-0002-0954-2987
CONDE FERNANDEZ, ADRIANAMembro3641660000-0001-9533-3374
DIAZ-MAROTO HIDALGO, IGNACIO JAVIERMembro587720000-0003-0552-480X
DUGO PATON, MAXIMO ANTONIOMembro588150000-0002-3420-6854
FERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, MARIA DOLORESMembro589390000-0003-4586-7620
GONZALEZ GARCIA, MIGUEL ANGELMembro592250000-0003-2999-8962
MAGIDE AMEIJIDE, JOSE MANUELMembro595400000-0001-5391-9609
PEREIRA GONZALEZ, JOSE MANUELMembro598850000-0002-4153-6579
RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, MANUEL RAMIROMembro602110000-0003-1516-7869
TATO SANCHEZ DEL VALLE, PATRICIA EVAMembro4598880000-0002-6205-4114
VILA LAMEIRO, PABLOMembro606340000-0003-3475-7776
IP Principal Investigator, IFP Training Research, PA Supporting Researchers and Technicians
External collaborators
Name Institution
Hiram Varela Rodríguez  Grupo ANTA de contrucción y diseño
JUAN ANTONIO ORTEGA MARTINEZ  Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Medio Rural
Eugenio Losada Vázquez  Xunta de Galicia – Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade
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