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Group info
Code: GI-2124
Short Name: Edunartex
Name: Education, Nature, Art and Hiking
Department: Departamento de Pedagoxía e Didáctica

Research field
  • Education in nature: theory, resources and documentary sources. Pedagogical thought and educational institutions in relation to education in the natural environment. Hiking: documentary and historical sources. Art and nature. Music and nature. Walking sound and landscape Acoustic ecology. Outdoor physical and sports activies. Healthy cardiovascular activity. Healthy urban itineraries. Hiking in the wild.
Technology services
  • Study of the natural environment as educational space. Outline of educational routes in the nature. Design of educational materials for outdoor activities. Training and professional development in the field of the education in natural surroundings. Sportive circuits in the nature. Mountain sport. Rescue and lifesaving. Artistic installations in nature. Artistic studies of the natural environment. Studies of musical resources in natural areas. Realisation of sound documents in different natural areas, both rural and urban. Outline of natural sounds routes, both rural and urban. Study, design and development of natural paths with organic, psychological and social consequencies of a healthy nature.
Key words
  • Outdoor Education; Art and nature; music and nature; Sport and nature
Name Position PIID ORCID Contact:
OTERO URTAZA, EUGENIO MANUELCoordinador598110000-0002-1697-418XE-Mail:
BLANCO MOSQUERA, VICENTEMembro584100000-0002-5767-4116
CONS FERREIRO, MIGUELMembro0000-0003-0826-9357
LAGO BALLESTEROS, JOAQUINMembro593660000-0002-5303-8374
IP Principal Investigator, IFP Training Research, PA Supporting Researchers and Technicians
External collaborators
Name Institution
MARIA CASTRO FERNANDEZ  USC (Bolseira de iniciación á Investigación do Campus Terra)
PAULA GARCIA MENDEZ  USC (Bolseira de iniciación á Investigación do Campus Terra)
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