Educación na natureza: teoría, recursos e fontes documentais. Pensamento pedagóxico e institucións educativas en relación coa educación na natureza. Excursionismo na natureza: fontes documentais e históricas. Arte e natureza. Música e natureza. O paseo sonoro e a paisaxe sonora. Ecoloxía acústica. A actividade física e deportiva na natureza. Actividade física cardio saudable. Itinerarios urbanos saudables. Senderismo no medio natural.
Servizos e Recursos
Study of the natural environment as educational space. Outline of
educational routes in the nature. Design of educational materials for
outdoor activities. Training and professional development in the field of
the education in natural surroundings. Sportive circuits in the nature.
Mountain sport. Rescue and lifesaving. Artistic installations in nature.
Artistic studies of the natural environment. Studies of musical resources in
natural areas. Realisation of sound documents in different natural
areas, both rural and urban. Outline of natural sounds routes, both rural and urban.
Study, design and development of natural paths with organic, psychological and social consequencies of a healthy nature.
Palabras chave
Educación ao aire libre; arte e natureza; música e natureza; deporte e natureza.