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Faculty expertise and interests - University of Santiago de Compostela – Galicia

García García, María del Carmen

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Researcher's picture
Department: Physiology
Position: Profesor contratado doutor (indefinido) - Total (PX)(LFD)(C08)
Phone: +34 881812443
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Email: Show Email
Research group: Fisioloxía e farmacoloxía das enfermedades crónicas (GI-1862)
Researcher IDs: ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5672-1366
Scopus Author ID: 55989651100
Research website ID: 59070


María del Carmen García García was born in A Coruña. She graduated in Chemistry at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where she also did her PhD studies at the department of Physiology under the guidance of Profs. Rosa Mª Señarís and Carlos Diéguez, studying the different signals involved in the neuroendocrine regulation of food intake and body weight during pregnancy and lactation. After her PhD dissertation in 2002 (awarded with honors), she did a 29 months (2003-2005) postdoctoral stay as a Marie Curie fellow at the Research Centre for Endocrinology and Metabolism (Gothenburg University, Sweden) in the group of Prof. John-Olov Jansson, where she became interested in the role of the immune system on the regulation of metabolism and energy expenditure. In 2005 she joined the University of Santiago de Compostela as Parga Pondal fellow (Xunta de Galicia) and since December 2010 as Lecturer in Physiology. Her main research interests are focused in the influence of the immune system on energy homeostasis during pregnancy and lactation as well as the impact of different inflammatory markers on perinatal metabolic programming.

Research Expertise and Interest:

Research Expertise and Interest
- Neuroendocrinology and metabolism.
- Role of inmune related factors in the metabolic adaptations needed to meet the energy costs of reproduction

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