USC » Research » Services to support research
Research Resources
Research Groups
USC Researchers
Portal da Investigación

Investigation Service
Services to personal researchers
USC own grants
Research funding
Subarea International Project's
Contracting of R&D (Companies,Administration,...)
Division of Economic
Scientific production
Job in R&D
Guide of Calls
Comité de Bioética
Acceso aplicación web Kairós
OIT Virtual

Programas propios de investigación
Persoal investigador e de apoio á investigación: a reforma laboral
Registro de Investigadores/as Visitantes
Autorización de permisos para a asistencia a congresos, xornadas, etc do persoal contratado con cargo a actividades, proxectos de investigación e programas de recursos humanos
Acordos Transformativos (AT)
Declaración Institucional de Medidas Antifraude
Forms, rules,...
HRS4R - Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
Código de Buenas Prácticas en la Investigación
Acordo do 8/03/2023 sobre a clasificación profesional e as condicións retributivas do persoal investigador e do persoal de apoio á investigación da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Acordo sobre a clasificación profesional e as condicións retributivas do persoal investigador e do persoal de apoio á investigación da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Modificación do acordo sobre a clasificación profesional e as condicións retributivas do persoal investigador e do persoal de apoio á investigación da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Retribucións para a contratación de persoal con cargo a actividades de investigación, desenvolvemento e innovación (I+D+I)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Declaración institucional da USC sobre o uso de animais de experimentación

Relevant information
Job opportunities
USC Research Contracts
Data límite presentación propostas convocatoria 7/2024 (12/04/2024)
Reglamento de selección de personal investigador y de apoyo a la investigación en el marco de actividades y programas de I+D+i (texto consolidado)
Modificación do Regulamento de selección de persoal investigador e de apoio á investigación no marco de actividades e programas de I+D+i
Contracts calculator
Press releases

Formalities On-Line
Certifications and accreditations obtained by the USCCertifications and accreditations

General Services to Support Research

USC has management units to cover all requirements of the research activity. These units give specialized services to the research groups and departments of the university. Among others we can stand out the University Library, a functional unit considered as a centre of bibliograhic resources to be used in teaching, research and learning.

The University Historic Archive, is a functional unit to support teaching and research activities. This Archive relies on documents made by the University itself and deposits, donations and several acquisitions.

The Network of RTD supporting Infrastructures (RIAIDT) is an organized and unit which integrates those facilities of commom use to give supporting services to research developed by the groups of the University. The aim of RIAIDT is to give a greater unity and functioning to those University resources devoted to reserach activities.

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